Week Eleven: Mona Lisa Overdrive
For this week I read Mona Lisa Overdrive. I liked the cyber punk movies more than I liked the read. It was confusing, and had me feeling like there was no point to the story, and it was never going to end. The interconnecting plot threads were just odd in my opinion, I understand thats just how cyberpunk is but I felt like I was going a million miles an hour and it wasn't stopping or slowing down. I lost my patience quickly with this book. In the beginning of the read it talked about ghosts. How a ghost traveled with a young girl to London. I guess in a altered reality ghosts are real, and fully capable in traveling and holding a conversation with a human being. I didn't get the cyber punk feel in the first short story. It felt as more of a ghost story. The third story felt more cyber punk, and reality altered. It seemed like cyber punk when Slick Henry (the characters name) was living in a dumpy factory and having his memory erased every five minutes. He spent most of his days creating robotic structures, and then would suffer episodes of time loss, maybe from a result of injury or that concept just exists in the weird world of cyberpunk. He was also hired to look after someone. I feel like you wouldn't hire someone that has short-term memory loss to look after anything let alone a person, but I guess thats just me. That's all I really have to tell about this book or genre, or the important things anyways. I don't think ill revisit cyberpunk again in this lifetime, maybe the next.
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